what we do what we do

E-mail Marketing

+ E-mail Marketing

There are many technical products available today which enable e-mails to be sent to large numbers of people. However these tend to fall down in two areas: they only have a limited ability to tailor the message to different types of customers and they often take an extremely long time to generate and send the messages.

Our approach is to closely integrate e-mail functionality with our CRM system, which allows us to segment contacts in a variety of different ways and then send extremely personalised e-mails based on this segmentation.

You could, for example, generate a list of e-mail recipients based on a query, such as "I want to send an e-mail to everybody who purchased Widget XYZ in the first three months of this year". Having generated the list, you could then further segment this by, for example, area of the country, to send a slightly different e-mail message to each person depending on which area of the country they live in.

At all times, close integration with our CRM system means that each and every e-mail is tracked, creating a complete history of all contact with each person.

From a technical standpoint, our developers are amongst the best in the industry and have designed our solution with performance in mind. Generating and sending e-mails to literally thousands of recipients typically takes only a few seconds.

Building blocks

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management


Integration with Corporate Systems

Rules-based Systems

Rules-based Systems



E-mail Marketing

E-mail Marketing

Content Management

Content Management